Saturday, May 10, 2008

That night last night! With the real friends!

Good morning ladies and gentlemen!!
I love Madi! I love Laura-Jane! I love Brad! So last night was yeh it was good, we all got drunk and played spin the bottle. And we sang! i have a video of it all! and im going to edit it and stick it up here or on youtube....maybe not youtube... but up here! yes! up here! So basicly Madi is the blond/brunette regrowth girl, and Laura-Jane is the dark hair shoulder length, and Brad is the gay guy with short hair. I am the guy with dark hair. I am currently sitting next to Laura-Jane typing this blog! click the title for the link! Brad and Madi are cruzin around the room aswell!

So yeh, we all had a really good night, it was one of those lazy, have fun and sit around and talk *cough* and other stuff *cough* nights. There was no vomit involved! but brad feels like he might.. BUCKET!! there is a red bucket in the room! Lj says "THATS MY BIN!!" vomit goes in bins you know! or toilets.. or gutters... or outside taxi windows!! Mmmm the memories... taxi windows... chunks... Mmm FUCK... lol cakes.

Laura-Jane got some pretty massive hickeys from Brad, check em out on Lj's blog! I'll have a video up soon of a few of our antics haha,

Anyways, untill next time! keep it real and have fun!



-signing off

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The walkers or the helpers?


Hello there everybody!

Chris here!
So today I was walking to the comic book store with my mates Laura-Jane and Petra, and we spot this elderly lady who had just taken a tumble, and there were a couple of people standing around her, feeling slightly curios as to what had happened, but there was also a man in a very nice looking suite, crouched down. The man's fine fabric scraping along the ground, it's as if he was thinking "no price for a suit is equal enough to the life anyone else". It is moments like those that make me think there is some hope after all for human kind...Ok on with the story, so we see this poor lady who had taken a stumble. I stopped and turned to Lj who had allready stopped and said "shall I go over there?" and then I cross the road and walk over to the lady. I arrive and bend down to see how bad it is, there is blood running quite freely out of her face. It seems as if she knocked the top of her eyebrow. Lj went off to find a docter at the clinic near where the lady fell... she came back saying that no doctors would come out... society huh... So with the very small people crowed around calling for an ambulance, Lj, Petra and myself were left to just stand there and watch helplessly...atleast we stood there, and attempted to help as much as we could...
As apposed to those who just kept walking only thinking about themselves "oh shell be right, people fall everyday...ill just keep walking" this includes the two people who had first aid certificates.... let me just add here that the fellow in the really nice suit, didnt have a first aid cert. and yet HE stopped. Guessing by the way he dressed, you would think that he had somewhere better to be... and yet HE stopped....Arg, why dont people stop??

Let me think on this more...

Ciao for now!


-Signing off

Hi Laura-Jane!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

They nearly got me!...Close. But I was too quick!

Those bloody rabid dogs! I am incredibly sorry for my absense, due to no fault of my own! As it so happens, I was in a race for my life!! Being chased by a secret government agency tends to do ones self harm!

I had recently come into possesion of some classified documents that belonged to an angency so secret that they don't even have a logo. How do I know of this agency? Well, to be honest I can't tell you, for my life is allready in danger. I do not want to be responcible for the death of so many people who need not die! So, as stated before, I had recently come into possesion of some classified documents, these documents are proof of a conspiracy that alot of people are fully aware of. New World Order. For safetys sake, I shall not post these documents on my Blog. After all this agency is watching my everymove.

It started 2 weeks ago, I wrote an e-mail to a trusted friend of mine discussing my discovery, I should learn to be more carefull I think! He never replied. One week went by without reply, before I made a shocking discovery! Fred (who's name I have changed for securitys sake) had been murdered. Shot in the head once, and the chest twice. Now I'm no expert, but I do believe that is the ideal way to kill a man if you want to end his life. Twice in the chest... once in the head. It became clear to me that what I had uncovered had touched a nerv. But whos nerve?

More updates will come very soon. I have to be carefull not to give away to much at once.

I do however have some evidence I would like to share with you. Please help me! Look at these pictures and decipher the code. So far I have worked out it is old russian money, but there is a message in it. But where?!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Something Different

Well Hello there!
Exciting news right now! This is my new video that is also up on youtube! Check it out!
This damn thing took be the better part of 3 days to complete...and that tomato bit...that was grueling.. frame by agonising frame! BUT it's up! So the basic meaning behind this video is not to be a sheep lol. And yes I realize"sheep" is a pretty silly word to use. I think, however, that it is the best one to use in this circumstance. I feel very strongly about going out there and giving it YOUR all.. not someone else's all. Life is only worth living once. So take chances and differentiate yourself from everyone else. Make a statement! Be yourself! not someone else!

-Signing off


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The video!

That video?!

G'day there guys and girls!

Well it's been a while! What have I been up to? Well I have been working on a video I am soon to post on The YOUUU TUBE website. It has been alot of hard work! So annoying! But the good news is I'm NEARLY done, about 2 or 3 days from completion... It is not the quantity of video tape ie how long it is.. but rather the quality that I'm, editing the video at. I am adding a few special effect things! for a novice like me it takes quite a while to do this haha. I am also enlisting the help of my mate though. So things are coming along quite nicely!

Anyways this was just a quick one as I am about to head out to the RSL with the folks to meet some family friends! Have a good one all! and I shall catch you on the FLIP side!

Signing off


Sunday, March 30, 2008

The sin city effect.

Ooo, black and white! but with colour!
G'day guys and girls!
So, I'm at work at the moment, so I'm unable to do as much as I would like to do. But I have decided to embark on a little project! A few of you out there who may or may not be reading my blog know that I am deeply interested in art and theatre - as a branch off result film and television play a part. Hence why I have a YouTube account.
I'm sure everyone out there has heard of Sin City. Possibly, just as many have seen the movie. Everyone likes that effect right? You know, the "everything is black and white, except for those few random colour bits." Well yes, that's my idea. From what I have seen its pretty simple to do. I did a mock up in photoshop. I have all the programs I need, the only thing left to do is film it.
Hope my computer can HANDLE it! (it's so bad, I need to desperatly upgrade my RAM... 700 odd megabytes of ram.. TERRIBLE... my other sticks died.)
I hit my head...
I'm bored at work right now!
Oh yes, back on topic! A really good example of the effect I want to achieve is in a video by boh3m3 on youtube.. video can be found if you click the link!
Anyways thats enough from me for now!

I'll be seeing you round!

Signing off


Edit: G'day guys, I just added my "sin city" photo...not the best I know, but it gives you an idea!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Later on tonight, Earth hour is here!

Hi guys and girls!

Chris here.

Thought I might say hi and roll off an entry before Earth hour comes! I am currently at work and excited to see how Earth hour turns out! I work at Global Gossip, it's an internet cafe (and no we don't bloody serve drinks!) and we are partaking in Earth hour, the whole company is actually. I think this is a really good move considering that running 30 odd computers takes quite a bit of electricity! So, some people out there may be wondering what Earth hour is... Basicly it's when everyone from around the world switches of their lights and all their power supple at 8:30 pm. Thereby reducing the amount of pollution created from factorys creating electricity out of fossil fuel for one hour. Yeh, so...enough of that ramble lol..

So I'm here at work doing nothing besides write in this little white box I call a texty thing. I didn't write a blog entry yestoday because....well... I don't remember actually, I'm sure there was a very legit reason why I didn't.. Hmmm let me think... Ooo I know! I was being chased by a huge fire breathing DONKEY! It was trying to start a fire in my heart.... (get it?) ... Don't worry lol... I amuse my self sometimes... I'm a DORK!

Ok. So. Moving on! Oh yes, Jen would like a mention in this.. she practicly BEGGED me to mention her "Oh Chris, PLEASE tell everyone I said HI! and that I ROCK! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" so you know... I guess I will!... (just incase you are wondering, I maaay have changed the wording around...just a little bit. Which brings me to my next topic. Apparently... Miss Gabriella Sherman has been letting people listen onto my drunken ramblings I do whilst on msn TRASHED... Oooooook lol..

Cool! I'm famous.....

Photoshop update.

Well I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of things. Anyone got any ideas as to what I can create? I find it much easyer to create something to someones specifications rather than rely on my own imagination....... SAD...

So speak up haha.
Untill next time!
Signing off

Edit: Click the title of the blog to go to the Earth Hour website. DIG IT!